1. Copies of notice of gathering templates in terms of section 3 of the Regulation of Gatherings Act.
2. The name, address, contact details, and area of jurisdiction of all persons designated in terms of section 2(4) of the Regulation of Gatherings Act as a “responsible officer” and a deputy responsible officer.
3. A list detailing:
3.1 The number of notices of gathering in terms of section 3 of the Regulation of Gatherings Act received since 1 January 2015 to date of submission of PAIA request;
3.2 The number of convener’s meetings in terms of section 4 of the Regulation of Gatherings Act held since 1 January 2015 to date of submission of PAIA request;
3.3 The number of gatherings prohibited or prevented in terms of section 5 of the Regulation of Gatherings Act since 1 January 2015 to date of submission of PAIA request, and the reasons for the prohibition or prevention;
3.4 The number of gatherings authorized with conditions in terms of section 4 of the Regulation of Gatherings Act since 1 January 2015 to date of submission of PAIA request; and
3.5 The number of gatherings authorized in terms of section 4 of the Regulation of Gatherings Act since 1 January 2015 to date of submission of PAIA request.
4. Copies of Training Manuals and Training Materials (but specifically excluding those done at the national level) relating to the conduct and / or training of persons designated in terms of section 2(4) of the Regulation of Gatherings Act as a “responsible officer”.
]]>1) Any existing policy document, internal protocol or guidelines on the hiring and firing policy of the Makana Municipality;
2) A master copy of all applicants to positions within the Makana Municipality from 2014 to date of PAIA submission;
3) The shortlist of all applications to positions within the Makana Municipality from 2014 to date of PAIA submission;
4) The exit interviews for all those who left their position within the Makana Municipality from 2014 to date of PAIA submission.
1) The latest annual water quality report conducted by the municipality;
2) Regulations governing the acceptable level to which heavy metals can be found inside municipal water; and
3) Any report or other record containing actual levels of heavy metals present in municipal water from 1st January 2015 – 31 Dec 2015.
i) Plans for the building of RDP housing;
ii) Records relating to implementation of plans to build RDP housing;
iii) Policies setting out criteria and standards for the allocation of RDP housing;
iv) Tender documents for the building of RDP housing;
v) Contracts awarded for the building of RDP housing; and
vi) Records relating to the evaluation of performance on contracts awarded for the building of RDP housing.
i) The filing plan for the municipality;
ii) Indexes for archives within the municipality;
iii) Any other policies, plans and manuals related to records management within the municipality
]]>i) Invitations in the form of: letters; emails; print outs of text or sms message; screenshot of invitation over social media (eg. Facebook or Twitter) and;
ii) Attendance registers;
iii) Minutes of meetings with community members/representatives
]]>• Any and all policies and strategies to fight corruption and fraud within the Makana Municipality;
• Total number of RDP housing planned for the Mayfield project from January 2013- December 2014 (including budget allocated and spent);
• Total number of RDP housing built from January 2013- December 2014 (including budget allocated and spent);
• Total number of RDP houses handed over including list of whom the RDP houses were handed over to from January 2013- December 2014 ;
• List of tenders (including budget allocated and spent) put out for the building of RDP houses from January 2013- December 2014 ;
• List of companies awarded tenders to build the houses from January 2013- December 2014 ;
• Plans and programmes to create jobs through the Mayfield project
• Records containing information relating to the criteria for granting houses to beneficiaries in the Mayfield project
• Records containing information relating to beneficiary waiting lists for the Mayfield project
•All records containing information about the consultation processes between Makana Municipality and the community regarding the Mayfield project